Friday, December 20, 2013

A little Cream and Sugar!

Hey guys!
Happy Friday! I hope everyone has all of their holiday shopping finished up. I can't believe it's almost Christmas, but I am excited to see all of our family and friends back home! On my last shopping trip, I cheated and went into my local thrift store to browse and decompress a little from standing in lines at World Market and Target.

On my trip, I found some awesome "new" stuff including the matching sugar bowl to my Laughlin Harlequin Fiestaware Creamer. I had gotten the creamer at a flea market for $10 and I found the bowl for .99 at the thrift store. it's in GREAT condition and I love the details on the handles of both pieces.

 photo Harliquincreamerandsugar_zps0c8afe25.jpg I've started a nice collection of vintage cream and sugar sets over the past few years. The funny thing is, I don't really ever use cream or sugar in my coffee.... BUT I love them. My mom started me out with this Turquoise set that goes with a set of my dishes.  photo MikasaEliteCalibou_zpse24ae149.jpg
These guys are part of the Mikasa Elite Calibou set from the 60s. I believe this set was from when Mikasa was still being imported from Japan. I use them primarily with the pieces on my Blue Heaven set I've found over the years.
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I keep this set on my kitchen table because our kitchen is primarily vintage yellow, turquoise, and green. I think they look awesome with the lemons & mid century bowl as a centerpiece. I have absolutely no idea what set they go to. They don't have any brands or markings on the bottom that tell me a manufacturer etc..., but they are adorable and probably from the late 60s or early 70s.
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Last, but not least, I have my Star Glow set.  They're not much to look at alone, but they really look sharp next to the entire set. I'm so close to having a full Star Glow set. I'm still looking for salt and pepper shakers and the water pitcher, but other than that, I think I'm almost there!

If you're on the market for some cool vintage housewares, you should also check out our friends at Gypsy Mouse  and also, stay tuned to Calamity Layne for more cool vintage digs! We've got some big plans for the new year ahead!!!

Now Playing:

Friday, December 13, 2013

A Very Vintage Christmas

Happy Holidays, Everyone!
We've had a pretty eventful past few weeks at our house, but with all of the hustle and bustle that surrounds the holidays I still find decorating for Christmas relaxing. I thought I would share a few of my favorite things with all you vintage lovers out there! Check it out!
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Grandma's Angels
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My first vintage treasures are my grandma's angels. They have been around since I can remember and I think they are from the 60s? I was lucky enough to inherit many of her Christmas decorations because I was the one who always helped her put them up each year. These lovely ladies were always on top of her tv with the nativity.

Rockin' Reindeer 
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I have many many reindeer from multiple decades. My favorites are the stuffed colorful ones from the 50s (which...I am not showing in this picture?), but the white ones and gold ones are from the 60s and 70s. I set them all up on our piano in the living room this year and I like it!

 It's a Small World 
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Alright...there were my grandma's too...and yes...they're probably border-line offensive, but do you know how much offensive crap there is from the 40s and 50s!? Anyway, there were my grandma's too I paired them with her other 3 carolers all for the 50s and 60s.

Winter Wonderland
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This tree is another inherited piece and it goes along with a little skate pond and village that we used to set up and grandma's.

The Tree

 photo BeginningPicTree_zpscdb2d7b9.jpg photo ColorWheel_zps57d594ba.jpg I freakin' LOVE this tree. I bought it an an antique store for $119. It is in GREAT condition and is the perfect Christmas tree for us! photo Treecolors_zpsd2f5f41a.jpg

Old School Ornaments 
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I bought these at a few different antique stores as well. they're usually $2 - $4 a pop. The really old fancy ones can run pretty pricey so make sure your'e shopping around if you're in the market!

My 2013 Christmas Present
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Meet Peggy Sue! Our new 2 month old Beagle Puppy! :) She's my Christmas present this year.

Have a happy holiday season!!! I'll see you next week!

~Steph @ Calamity Layne
Now Playing:

Thursday, November 28, 2013

New Uses for Vintage Items

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all had a good one!
I'm going to show you some nifty uses for some unique, but more commonly found vintage items.

Columbia Record Holder + Mail = His and Hers Mail Holder 
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I found this record holder at Goodwill for $1.99 and decided that it made a great "his and hers" mail organizer. It was way cheaper than purchasing one of those fancy mail holders at an antique or vintage store and it holds a ton of mail. You could also use it for craft paper storage or as a recipe file.  

Vintage Ashtray Stand + Keys and Phone = Wallet Caddy 
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I found this ashtray on sale at an antique store. It was a little pricier than I expected, but it was too cool to pass up. I don't smoke and my husband doesn't smoke in the house, so I had to figure out what to do with it. I decided to keep it by the front door as a wallet caddy. It comes in handy when you're coming in the house with groceries.

Head Vase + Makeup Brushes = Brush Holder 
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I found this little skunk head vase for $10 at an antique store. It makes the perfect make up brush holder! I was especially excited because these guys sell for $25 + and I got this one for super cheap!

Jadeite and Custard Glass Refrigerator Boxes + Bulky Jewelry = Jewelry Boxes  photo fridgejewelryboxes_zps0a95cd0a.jpg
These refrigerator boxes were used to store leftovers or food from the market. The Jadeite boxes are from the 1930s and the custard dishes are from the 40s or 50s. I love the look of these dishes and they're not SUPER easy to come by, so I snatch them up when I can find them at a reasonable price. I use them for bulkier jewelry (I have a ton of large earrings if you can't tell...). They're also great for storing craft supplies like spools of thread or pom poms. You can usually find the brightly colored Pyrex fridge boxes more easily!

Jello Molds + Bath Bombs = Bath Bomb and Soap Molds  photo jellomold_zpse36e1a10.jpg
This year, Christmas money it a little tight so I've been trying to come up with some fun crafty projects to make stuff (that doesn't suck) for Christmas presents. I was lucky enough to find some cheap Jello Molds at Salvation Army (25 or 50 cents a piece). I've been using them to make soaps, bath bombs, and solid lotions.

Vintage Photo Frame + Fancy Paper = Drink Tray 
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You can find frames like these at any thrift store. The only problem is they're usually missing the stands on the back. All you need is some fun paper, glue, and some tape to make a fun and unique drink tray. You can also find some smaller frames and use them as coasters.

The Mid-Century Modern Planter + Remotes = Snazzy Remote Holder
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I found this planter at a vintage store for $10. It looks great on our danish modern coffee table, hides TV remotes, and the best part is that you never lose your remote in the couch!
Now Playing:

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hello there!
This week I've done a lot of vintage shopping...mostly to keep my sanity in tact through some major unwanted (but necessary) home renovations. SO, I've decided to share my top 5 thrifty vintage kitchen finds from this week!

#1 - Star Glow Tea Pot, Creamer, and Sugar Bowl!

 photo StarGlowPot_zps44f0fdf4.jpg I've been scouting thrift stores and antique stores for months trying to find the last remaining pieces to my Star Glow dish set...On Sunday, I found these 3 rare gems at a very cute antique store on 31st street called the La Grange Antique Mall. The Tea Pot was $10 and the creamer and sugar bowl were $4 a piece! I got the whole set for 18 bucks!

#2 - 50s Atomic Aqua Squiggly Bowl!

 photo squigglybowl_zps5a8df10c.jpg I found this SWEET bowl in Ohio when I went to visit the other weekend. It was only $8! It fits perfectly on top on my microwave and it's great for holding fruits and veggies!

#3 - Frosted Lemon Yellow Martini Pitcher and Glasses!

 photo pitcher1_zpsd5b8e46d.jpg This is probably one of the best finds I've had in a while. I have wanted one of these for a LONG time, but I could never let myself spend the money. Usually these pitchers are outrageously priced (especially if they are a cool color like this one) they can run anywhere from $25 - $45. I got this set in Ohio as well. The pitcher was $3.99 and the glasses were $2.99 a piece.

#4 - Cute Green Owl Mug

 photo owlCreamer_zps347667d2.jpg I found this little guy at Goodwill for 45 cents. He looks great next to my giant lucky cat in my kitchen. I might use him as a planter later, but for right now he's strictly decorative.

#5 - 50s Coffee Percolator

 photo coffeePot_zps86bc786f.jpg I found this pot at Goodwill as well. I even tried it out and it STILL works! It's in great condition, but I'm going to use it for display right now. I got it for $2.99!

So when you're out and about, keep your eyes peeled and don't be afraid to shop around for the perfect piece...Sometimes it pays off in the end!

Until next time...
~Steph @ Calamity Layne

Friday, May 24, 2013

3 Tips on Vintage Decor!

Hi folks!

Spring cleaning has started me on reconfiguring my living room. I decided that we needed a big piece of artwork in our front entrance. I had played around with a few ideas in my head on what I wanted to do, but I had a very fortunate encounter with Brett Whitacre through my workplace (School of Rock). He is the drummer for The Legendary Shack Shakers, but he ALSO paint amazing works of pop art backwards on glass! They are phenomenal and I bought one for our living room!
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Anyway, I figured I can't be the only one working on their home decorating this spring, so I wanted to share a few tips on vintage and home decor!

1) Feel and Balance - You must first decide what you want your room to feel like when you walk in. In my case, our home is a 1957 Californian style ranch and I wanted to make sure I kept that look and feel in all of my decor. Maybe you really like turn of century French and mid century modern together. Whatever your desired look and feel, the key is balancing the two desired décor types into something that you will enjoy. Like I said before, I love mid century modern and Californian style vintage, but I also like a lot of weird kitsch and color. So, to ensure everything “feels” the way I want, I have mixed original vintage pieces in more neutral tones in with my weird colorful and random decorative items. This ensures that the color doesn’t overwhelm the eye and you can still focus on the clean mid-century modern lines.

 photo livingroom_zpsfbd76d02.jpg 2) Pulling Colors Together– In my case, I have a LOT of colors in my home. If you are having trouble deciding on a color scheme, choose a favorite object that you are planning on putting in the room (like a blanket or a vintage lamp). Once you’ve chosen your item, choose 3 to 5 colors in that object and start thinking about what color (out of the 3 to 5) you would paint the walls and then only choose items for that room based on your colors. In my case, I like the 50s and they had a lot of crazy colors to work with, but maybe you like early America style. Maybe think about an old American flag and start out with muted red, ivory, and light navy for your accessories (comforters, lamps, etc...) and throw in some gold and dark brown tones for your neutrals (furniture, larger items).
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3) Proportion – If you have a lot of small similar items, you can group them together in an area or wall as a statement piece, but don’t be afraid to go big if you want to! Say that you have a very cool vintage mirror that is in a unique frame, but is not big enough to cover the wall you want it on. You have a few options form making the mirror work i your favor. Think about what time it came from... Maybe you can find 2 cool sconces from the same era that you can place on either side of it to make it fit the wall a little better. What is the color and/or the shape of the frame on the mirror? Maybe you could find a few smaller mirrors or picture frames in the same color and/or shape. You can always paint them the same color as well. Group these items together around the mirror to make it look like a more cohesive decorative unit.
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I hope these were helpful! Do you have any projects you’re working on? Do you have any tips or need some? Leave a comment below!

Catch ya later!

Steph @ Calamity Layne

Monday, January 28, 2013

"Razing" Hell!

Hey Everyone!

Just a quick update! As you know, Jen from Hell Razor and I are teaming up on a new project! We are going to be launching some really cool things this year so keep your eyes peeled! You can check out my guest blogs and shop here!

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In the meantime...Check out some sweet music to speed up your work day!
Tuesday Tunes! by Calamity Layne on Grooveshark

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Subtle (but Still Sexy) Pin Up Makeup

Hello Ladies!

Do you like the pin up look, but don't want to go all out ALL the time?! I'm going to show you what I use to do a very subtle pin up look that you can wear any time, anywhere! :) (in my case..I got bored at home...and felt awesome!) :)

You Will Need:
shadow and blush brushes
2 eyeshadows (one light cream color and one dark or gray color)
liquid eyeliner
concealer or under eye brightener
For a very subtle pin up eye, I used a smokey effect to make the liquid liner a little less noticeable. I used an Urban Decay eyeshadow primer and Stila's Ebony and Bone shadows from the "In the Light" eyeshadow palette. You can use whatever similar colors you prefer!

1. Cover the eye area lash line to brow in Bone shadow (or light shadow of your choice)

2. Dip the tip of your brush in the Ebony shadow (or dark shadow of your choice) and cover your lid from lash line to crease. Make sure you blend out enough so your shadow ends up grayer as it reaches the crease.

3. Without using any shadow, take the dark shadow brush and make a windshield wiper action IN the crease from tear duct to the end of your lash line. This will help the shadow blend look a little bit more gradual.

4 Sweep the liquid liner across your lash line into a cat eye (I will show you how to do this in a different post).
5. Don't forget your mascara! I go cheep on mine. I love Maybelline's the Colossal Volume Express waterproof. It doesn't smudge and it looks just as fancy as the expensive crap!

6. After you have finished both eyes, dab a little concealer or eye brightener under your eye (where bags and dark circles occur). I LOVE Benefit's Ooh La's greta because it doesn't crease and it looks bright! This brightens up the eye area and also helps to get rid of any dark shadow that may have landed under your eye causing a fake dark circle!

1. Sweep a bright, but natural colored blush on the apples of your cheeks and blend it out a little bit to give you that rosy glow! I used Frisky by Tarte. I think they have really vibrant blushes and you don't need to use a lot to get the desired effect.

Luscious Lips! 
1. Use a light brick colored red tone for your lips. You still get the pin up pout with a little less sass. I used Stila's Long Wear Lip Color in Paramour.
I totally wear this look to work, but I'm also usually a LOT more made up on my days off. Try it out and tell me what you think!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rockin' it at the Roller Derby!

If you’re in the Aurora, IL area on January 13th, have 12 bucks, and want to see something awesome…Come on out to the Aurora Skate Center, 34W113 Montgomery Road in Aurora, IL!!!

I’m helping my EXCELLENT friend Jen from Hell Razor vend the Aurora 88s roller derby bout! The bout starts at 7PM and should be one of the sweetest things you’ve ever seen! So, don’t miss out! Come see some ladies kick ass and take names on and off the track!


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday Soundtrack!

Hello ladies and gents! 

When I'm down in the dumps or I'm feelin' pretty low I head straight to my collection of Dale Watson albums! I was lucky enough to go see him for the first time last year with a few of my friends and the show was the perfect mix of silliness, honky tonk, and shots! ;) 

This picture is via my awesome friend Mandy! It's from last month's show at Martyrs'.
We had a blast! 
Dale Watson puts on the best live shows because he’s a genuine guy on and off stage, has great talent, and is hilarious on stage. Despite his intense backstory, he's kind, real, and stays after every show to talk to anyone who will come see him. 

Dale & Me 2 years ago! 
I've enjoyed every show I'v been to! OH, if you DO find yourself at one of his shows, make sure to bring some extra cash! He’ll do your requests if you buy him a shot! You can usually catch him at Martyrs' 

Check him out doing Mama Tried by Merle Haggard! 

I've included some of my Honky Tonk Faves at the bottom of this post. You can hear them by licking on the playlist below! 

Fox on the Run          
That’s Country My Ass
My Baby Makes Me Gravy
Nashville Rash
Dale Watson by Calamity Layne on Grooveshark

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Guest Blogging on Hell Razor!

Hey Guys! 

I just wanted to give you a heads up! 
Jen (of Hell Razor) and I are joining forces to bring y'all some unique fashion awesomeness! We're packin' all kinds of punches so stay tuned! 

Jen From Hell Razor

Guest blogging officially starts tomorrow! Then, expect a guest post from me on hell Razor at least once a week. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Lucky Number 13!

Happy New Year, Folks!

2013 is going to be our year! We’ve got an updated look and LOTS of fun new stuff for all you snazzy ladies and gents! PLUS, there’s a brand new game plan in the works for takin’ this show on the road!  

For now, we’ll whet your appetite with some sweet new digs!
 Check it out here! AND stay tuned for updates on all the new happenings at Calamity Layne!